Improving Math Outcomes in a Technical College: A Multifaceted Approach

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Chris Chen Mahoney & Dion Alexander • Clover Park Technical College

Technical colleges face unique challenges when adopting the Guided Pathways approach, including high credit load, long lab hours and negative perceptions of general education courses. In order to improve access, completion and learning outcomes of math courses, Clover Park Technical College recognized the need for a multifaceted approach. The math department developed and implemented a series of strategies, such as: a directed self-placement process, contextualized technical math courses, a co-requisite teaching model, and frequent dialogues with professional-technical programs to embed math courses into program maps. The completion rate of college-level math within one year has steadily increased from 14% (2015–2016 cohort) to 30% (2018–2019 cohort).

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